How to Detect Changes in User and Local Machine Certificate Stores in Real Time Using PowerShell¶
Here is a PowerShell script that can display the changes in User and Local Machine Certificate Stores in Real Time. It performs the check every 3 seconds. The script is published to PowerShell Gallery and you can easily install it using the following command:
The Code used in the script¶
#Requires -RunAsAdministrator
#Requires -Version 7.3
# Custom colors
[scriptblock]$WritePink = { Write-Output "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(255,192,203))$($PSStyle.Blink)$($args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" }
[scriptblock]$WriteMintGreen = { Write-Output "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(152,255,152))$($PSStyle.Blink)$($args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" }
# Create variables to store the initial certificates for both locations
$InitialLocal = Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\* -Recurse
$InitialUser = Get-ChildItem Cert:\CurrentUser\* -Recurse
# Create a loop that runs indefinitely
while ($true) {
# Create variables to store the current certificates for both locations
$CurrentLocal = Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\* -Recurse
$CurrentUser = Get-ChildItem Cert:\CurrentUser\* -Recurse
# Compare the variables and check if there is any difference in certificates for LocalMachine
$DifferenceLocal = Compare-Object $InitialLocal $CurrentLocal
# Compare the variables and check if there is any difference in certificates for CurrentUser
$DifferenceUser = Compare-Object $InitialUser $CurrentUser
# If there is any difference in certificates for LocalMachine, display it and update the initial variable
if ($DifferenceLocal) {
foreach ($Diff in $DifferenceLocal) {
# Check if the change is an addition or a removal based on the side indicator
if ($Diff.SideIndicator -eq '=>') {
&$WritePink "Certificate Added to LocalMachine at $(Get-Date -Format 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss K')"
$PSStyle.Formatting.FormatAccent = "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(255,192,203))"
$Diff.InputObject | Format-List -Property PSPath, EnhancedKeyUsageList, DnsNameList, SendAsTrustedIssuer, FriendlyName, HasPrivateKey, NotAfter, NotBefore, SerialNumber, Thumbprint, Issuer, Subject
elseif ($Diff.SideIndicator -eq '<=') {
&$WriteMintGreen "Certificate Removed from LocalMachine at $(Get-Date -Format 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss K')"
$PSStyle.Formatting.FormatAccent = "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(152,255,152))"
$Diff.InputObject | Format-List -Property PSPath, EnhancedKeyUsageList, DnsNameList, SendAsTrustedIssuer, FriendlyName, HasPrivateKey, NotAfter, NotBefore, SerialNumber, Thumbprint, Issuer, Subject
$InitialLocal = $CurrentLocal
# If there is any difference in certificates for CurrentUser, display it and update the initial variable
if ($DifferenceUser) {
foreach ($Diff in $DifferenceUser) {
# Check if the change is an addition or a removal based on the side indicator
if ($Diff.SideIndicator -eq '=>') {
&$WritePink "Certificate Added to CurrentUser at $(Get-Date -Format 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss K')"
$PSStyle.Formatting.FormatAccent = "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(255,192,203))"
$Diff.InputObject | Format-List -Property PSPath, EnhancedKeyUsageList, DnsNameList, SendAsTrustedIssuer, FriendlyName, HasPrivateKey, NotAfter, NotBefore, SerialNumber, Thumbprint, Issuer, Subject
elseif ($Diff.SideIndicator -eq '<=') {
&$WriteMintGreen "Certificate Removed from CurrentUser at $(Get-Date -Format 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss K')"
$PSStyle.Formatting.FormatAccent = "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(152,255,152))"
$Diff.InputObject | Format-List -Property PSPath, EnhancedKeyUsageList, DnsNameList, SendAsTrustedIssuer, FriendlyName, HasPrivateKey, NotAfter, NotBefore, SerialNumber, Thumbprint, Issuer, Subject
$InitialUser = $CurrentUser
# Wait for 3 seconds before repeating the loop
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3